Over the years, I have determined which dietary therapy works best for the individual -- not necessarily based on their diagnosis (though that can help direct me) but based on their history,  their co-existing symptoms, and other factors that can help me to determine the best place to start.  

I work with a number of different dietary therapies, including:

*  Histamine intolerance
*  Low Histamine/Biphasic diet
*  SIBO Specific and SIBO Biphasic dietary approaches
*  Paleo approach
*  Sulfur intolerance
*  Salicylate and chemical intolerance

*  Vegan diets
*  Autoimmune Protocol
*  Specific Carbohydrate Diet
*  Oxalate intolerance​

​I try to help you find a place to start or a place you haven't yet considered.  

More importantly, I try to do everything I can to expand the diversity of your diet by always keeping an eye on the underlying cause of your food sensitivity.